Laboratoire d’Investigations sur les Mécanismes et Prédicteurs de liens entre Activités physiques, autres Comportements et Trajectoires de Santé

Shirko Ahmadi and Pierre Philippe Wilson Registe present during ISPAH 2024 in Paris

Shirko Ahmadi and Pierre Philippe Wilson Registe present during ISPAH 2024 in Paris

Shirko Ahmadi PhD is a research professional whit IMPACTS Lab. He presented the results of a community-based exercise programme that examined the question ‘Is the Reduction of Frailty Associated with a Community-Based Exercise Programme Maintained Over Time? Pierre Philippe Wilson Registe is a doctoral student in health sciences research program with the Université de Sherbrooke at the Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick. His presentation, ‘Influence of Adolescent Physical Activity on Health Outcomes during Early Adulthood: A Systematic Review’, generated a great deal of interaction with the audience, leading to some rewarding discussions. Wilson will be working with data from the renowned MATCH longitudinal study.


Lab IMPACTS makes a strong presence at the ISPAH 2024 Congress in Paris

Lab IMPACTS makes a strong presence at the ISPAH 2024 Congress in Paris

Shirko Ahmadi, Mathieu Belanger, Said Mekari and Pierre Philippe Wilson REGISTE from Lab IMPACTS join international researchers, practitioners and policy-makers at the 10th ISPAH – The International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress in Paris.

Much interest from the scientific community during Pr Mekari’s oral presentation ‘Effects of a Community-based Physical Activity Program on Cognitive and Physical Function in Older Adults’ and Pr Bélanger’s scientific poster presentation: ‘Adolescent physical activity profiles as determinants of emerging adults’ physical activity’. A unique opportunity for knowledge sharing and enriching exchanges. This year’s congress’s theme is accelerating policy and practice to ensure physical activity for all.

Welcome Madeline Shivgulam

Welcome Madeline Shivgulam

IMPACTS Lab is pleased to welcome Madeline Shivgulam to the team. Madeline is a PhD student at Dalhousie University, co-supervised by Dr. Myles O’Brien of Université de Sherbrooke and Dr. Olga Theou of Dalhousie University. Her doctoral studies focus on physical activity and exercise among older adults in long-term and hospital care settings.

Madeline will work with Pr O’Brien and colleagues on several research projects including Preventing and Managing Frailty in Hospital by Mobilizing Patients and Establishing Mobile Aging Assessments in New Brunswick’s Long-Term Care Residents. ​Her research background focuses on improving health outcomes for older adults through interventions such as community- and clinical-based exercise and physical activity programs, with a particular emphasis on frailty and cardiovascular health.

Madeline enjoys spending time with her family and being active. As a former competitive swimmer, Madeline is already in great demand by her colleagues at Lab IMPACTS who are interested in improving their swimming technique and performance. Welcome to the team Madeline!

For more information on the research projects: