Laboratoire d’Investigations sur les Mécanismes et Prédicteurs de liens entre Activités physiques, autres Comportements et Trajectoires de Santé

We’re recruiting!

Be part of the next generation of scientists! Join our team of professors, research professionals and students at the IMPACTS Lab. Come and work with our dynamic team, where professors offer personalized supervision in a welcoming academic environment.

The Université de Sherbrooke’s health sciences research programs are offered at the Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick in Moncton. We are recruiting:

  • Masters level students*

  • Doctorate level students*

  • Postdoctoral fellowships

  • Research coordinators and analysts

Conduct a research project to answer questions related to the preventive, evaluative or curative aspects of healthcare. Join one of our current studies:

Scholarship offered – variable depending on the excellence of the application, the project chosen and the availability of funds. In addition to the admission requirements for health sciences research programs, candidates wishing to join our team as students must:

  • Have an excellent academic profile;
  • Possess excellent writing skills;
  • Have an interest in health-related behaviours, prevention of chronic diseases, and/or epidemiology;
  • Willing to pursue their studies from Moncton.

* International students interested in studying in Moncton, New Brunswick, are invited to find out about the admission process and immigration procedures beforehand.

For more information on the immigration process, please consult USherbrooke international or contact Services aux étudiants internationaux. International students at IMPACTS have also developed a “Permis d’étude – Immigration canadienne” guide based on their personal experience, which we invite you to consult.

Contact us for more information on the possibility of joining our research team. Please tell us about your motives for joining our team and send us your CV and academic transcripts.