Laboratoire d’Investigations sur les Mécanismes et Prédicteurs de liens entre Activités physiques, autres Comportements et Trajectoires de Santé

FMSS Dean’s Honorable Mention for Daniel Saucier and Pamela Tanguay

FMSS Dean’s Honorable Mention for Daniel Saucier and Pamela Tanguay

It is with great pride that we congratulate Pamela Tanguay and Daniel Saucier on receiving the Mention d’honneur from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences – Université de Sherbrooke. Both are doctoral candidates in health sciences research at the Centre de formation médicale du N.-B. under the co-direction of Prof Mathieu Belanger. From the whole IMPACTS Lab team: BRAVO!

Photo: Pamela Tanguay with Prof Rivard Nathalie, Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation, Prof Nicole Marquis, Co-Director, and Prof Patrice Perron, Associate Dean and Executive Vice-Dean. Pr Mathieu Belanger, who was absent when the photo was taken, is also co-director.
Photo: Daniel Saucier flanked by Dr Michel Landry, Associate Dean, French Atlantic, and Prof Mathieu Belanger. Prof Colleen O’Connell, who was not present when the photo was taken, is also co-director.

Lecture from Prof Myles O’Brien at the 2024 annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine

Lecture from Prof Myles O’Brien at the 2024 annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine

Professor Myles O’Brien from ImpactsLab and his students attended the 2024 American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting in Boston. During the event, Prof Myles O’Brien offered a lecture entitled “To Who and Where Do I Send My Patients to be Physically Active?” alongside Dr. Jonathon Fowles and Dr. Taniya Nagpal.

Podium presentation: Taylor Wilson “Impact of a Walk with a Future Doc program on participant frailty levels.”

Posters presentation: Madeline Shivgulam “What are the qualifications for an exercise professional? A content-analysis of Canadian job advertisements”, Jocelyn Waghorn “Meeting muscle strengthening guidelines is associated with better cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity in adults”, Emily MacDonald “Impact and perceptions of a workplace wellness initiative providing a standing desk converter to academic staff”, Minji Choi “Impact of a Medical Student led Walk with a Future Doc program on executive function in older adults” and Molly Courish “Relationship between frailty and Executive Function by Age & Sex in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) advances and integrates scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine. ACSM is the largest and oldest organization in the world dedicated to sports medicine and exercise science.

National Health and Fitness Day 2024

National Health and Fitness Day 2024

The first Saturday in June is “National Health and Fitness Day” across Canada. For the members of the IMPACTS Research Laboratory, who study the predictors and mechanisms linking physical activity to health trajectories, we feel it is important to put into practice what our research reveals. On a day-to-day basis, we try to foster a work environment that promotes healthy lifestyle habits as a whole… and we succeed thanks to a great team!