Laboratoire d’Investigations sur les Mécanismes et Prédicteurs de liens entre Activités physiques, autres Comportements et Trajectoires de Santé

Book Chapter: Sexe Differences and Frailty by Pr Myles O’Brien & Dr Judith Godin

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Uncategorized

Frailty is a medical condition of reduced function and health in older individuals. Dr. Myles O’Brien from the IMPACTS Lab at the Centre de formation médicale du N.-B. and Dr. Judith Godin from the Geriatric Medicine Research Unit at Dalhousie University just published a book chapter “Sex Differences and Frailty” within the book “Frailty: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessment, Management, and Prevention” edited by Dr. Jorge Ruiz and Dr. Olga Theou.