Laboratoire d’Investigations sur les Mécanismes et Prédicteurs de liens entre Activités physiques, autres Comportements et Trajectoires de Santé

Prescribing physical activity during pregnancy leads to prodigious benefits

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Uncategorized

A scientific article by Pre Latifa Saidi, Pr Pierre Godbout, Camille Morais-Savoie, Pierre Philippe Wilson REGISTE and Pr  Mathieu Belanger recently published in  BMC Pregnancy and Childbrith is being talked about on Radio-Canada’s national airwaves from Acadia to British Columbia: A simple intervention with major health benefits for mothers and babies. Congratulations to the team behind this innovative project:  Université de Sherbrooke, Réseau de Santé Vitalité, le Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick, l’Université de Moncton and the members of IMPACTS Lab.